Welcome to Roux's Room!
Although my daughter Roux and I don’t officially live together, I wanted a way to connect with her even when we’re miles apart. I developed this series as a way for us to share our favorite activity, playing with toys, no matter where we are in the world. So come on in, let’s play together and use our imaginations!
Let's use our imaginations!
Dave Ferriera and I were goofing around in the studio one day, when I began humming an infectious melody that soon became the basis for the series. He played the melody on his Xylophone, I strung together some lyrics, and viola! Dave worked his studio magic and before you know it, we had a theme song!
Pilot Episode
We're working hard behind the scenes to develop our pilot episode. If we hit our goal of views, we plan to record at least 1o more episodes for the first season.
Hi, I'm Roux!
Welcome to my room everyone! Some of my favorite things to do are use my imagination, play, and create. I looooove art. I love playing dress up and wearing fancy clothes, but I also like getting messy with slime and playing outside in nature. Reading fairy tales of enchanted kingdoms with princes, princesses, dragons, and unicorns is so much fun! Especially when my Dad and I make up our own stories. One day we’re going to have our own kingdom, and until that day, we are going to pretend as if our dream has already came true. IWe both love trees, so my Dad and I are looking for the perfect one to build ourselves our very own tree house. We hope you’ll follow along with us on all our adventures!

A place where toys come to life!
Every time I leave my room, it's like my toys come to life or something. I've never actually caught them, but if I'm sneaky enough I just might someday! Let me know what my toys do when I'm gone will you please?!
We thought we'd make toy reviews a bit more fun by adding a stop motion twist to show the toys in action playing by themselves!