What we do

The Lightbulb Agency specializes in ideas and innovation. We cultivate and curate the creativity that gives birth to the most innovative of ideas, then we put those ideas in motion. We represent some of the most influential creators in the industry today. Helping them utilize their fame & social media followings to best reflect a healthier, more creative lifestyle and career longevity. We transform ideas into economic growth, revolutionizing the digital industry and reinvesting capital into the arts, education, and agriculture.

How we do

Our team of creative professionals stay up to date on all the latest trends and social media platforms. We create relationships with creatives and influencers of all ages and genres. We provide them with an ideal environment, community, and a variety of resources to better fuel their creativity. So creators can do what they do best, create! On top of that, we provide a unique idea marketplace, offering fully developed creative business entity’s that can be a turnkey enterprise upon checkout.

Meet the team