Strange & Terrifying Tales from Oak Haven Louisiana
After the events of a lunar eclipse and a house party gone horribly wrong, our characters realize that if they want to survive high school, or adolescence in general, they must band together in spite of their differences to face the evils that haunt their town.

Alexander Blackstone
Alexander, grandson of the great magician Arthur Blackstone, is one of the smartest, and by far the richest student at all of Hellman High. He lives with his father in one of the oldest mansions in all of Louisiana, Blackstone Manor. Sine he was a young child, he yearned to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps and become a master magician. While other kids played, he studied every aspect of magic and the occult he possibly could, especially Necromancy, Hypnotism, Astrology, Slight of Hand and stage illusions. Kids in school nicknamed him “Cosmo” because of his deep connection to astrology and tarot card readings, and most students go months saving their lunch money just for one sitting with him.
His exuding charm and charisma make him one of the most popular kids in school, yet no one seems to know much about him. He likes to shroud himself in an air of mystery. The only person he truly lets in is his girlfriend and stage assistant Avery, and even her he keeps somewhat in the dark. With all of the strange and paranormal activity going on in Hellman high, students look to him for protection and guidance, yet even he is not yet powerful enough to stop all the evil forces that haunt it’s halls. He has a bit of an evil streak inside him himself, and does not cower in the presence of evil, in fact embraces it as an opportunity in his quest for power.
Avery Myers
Avery is truly a free spirit. She despises the notion of being tied to any one distinct social group, so she uses her acting talent to create characters of herself that fit into almost every clique at Hellman High, and yet still remain quite the mystery. She is head of the drama department and an aspiring playwright, she has a hand in every school play, and is writing the script for the big production at the end of the year. She is also Alexander Blackstone’s stage assistant and girlfriend.
Her true passion is motorcycles and the freedom of the open road. Ever since she was a little girl it was all she could dream of, and when she was finally old enough to drive, her father built her a custom speed bike. She is extremely close to her stepmom, but is haunted by the mystery of her real mother, whom her father never tells her anything about, other than how beautiful she was. As paranormal activities begin to unfold at Hellman High, her close relationship with Cosmo, and her uncanny knack for disguise and breakneck speed on a motorcycle make her better suited to deal with the horrors that follow.

Brandon Lyons
Brandon is the true definition of a military brat. He’s changed schools practically all of his life, but has finally found stability his junior year at Hellman High, after his father got a full time job at the air force base just outside of town. He is a fitness junkie, and stays in the kind of shape most guys only fantasize about. He is a daredevil at heart, and spends most of his free time finding the most extreme sports to partake in. His passion is mixed martial arts and wrestling, and since he’s never been able to stay in one area long enough to join a league, he practices his techniques on the most notorious of bullies, usually landing him in lots of trouble. His reputation amongst his peers has garnered him the nick name “Brandon the Bully Basher”, but most people just call him “Bandage”, on the account he’s always bruised up and bandaged from a previous fight or stunt. His relationship with his father is a rocky and distant one, ever since his mother disappeared mysteriously when he was young. They have drifted apart immensely, and he often struggles to find some sort of common ground with his father.
He isn’t popular at Hellman High by any means, but his tough exterior and rebellious reputation make him fantasied over by many ladies. This being said, his interests lie more in stomping a bullies face in or pulling off some sort of elaborate stunt. With the seemingly never ending amount of horror taking place at school, Brandon’s high threshold for pain and determination to destroy even the toughest of bullies, makes him a perfect soldier in the war against the paranormal at Hellman High.
Nina Flores
Nina is Hellman High’s newest and most rebellious student. After being arrested on charges of vandalism and drug possession, she was relocated to live with her Aunt and Uncle by her probation officer, in order to keep her farther away from the negative influences of the inner city in which she grew up. Aside from her rebellious nature, Nina is a talented artist and dancer. She’s had formal art & ballet training ever since she could walk, but after her mother passed away, her techniques are now more rooted in hip-hop, breakdancing & graffiti. She was given the nick name “topsy turvey” by her boyfriend, tattoo artist and gang member “Pretty Boy Llyod”, after he gave her her first tattoo, a small spinning top on her left hip. The fact that she break dances and wears short tops all the time pretty much made the name stick like glue.
She spends her time at Hellman High cheerleading in order to keep her Aunt and probation officer off her back, while also enjoying the new found power that beauty and popularity bring to her. Her ties to her old neighborhood and gangster boyfriend LLoyd make staying out of trouble extremely difficult, and with all the strange and paranormal activity going on at school, that only makes matters worse. Luckily for her, she takes no-shit from anyone, and her “IDGAF” attitude makes her the perfect contender to take on whatever horrors come her way at Hellman High.

Max Teller
MaxTeller, son of famous inventor Robert Teller, is, in most circles, considered a science and computer prodigy. Since his very first science fair in the third grade, he has continued to excel and win awards in all aspects of science, computer engineering & chemistry. As gifted as he was with science and computers growing up, the opposite could be said about his social life. He had extreme social anxieties, a bad case of acne, and on top of that was skinny and as pale as a ghost. It wasn’t until he invented a cure for his acne in his lab, and he discovered a passion for electronic music that things started changing for Chip. He began attending raves and manufacturing safer versions of the designer drugs that were so popular in the electronic music scene. Thats when everyone, including the pretty girls, began to notice him.
Although his love for electronic music and the party scene are important to him, nothing matters more to him than to be acknowledged by his own father. His father is his idol and he wants nothing more than to revolutionize the world with his inventions, just like he does. But as things at school get stranger and stranger, and his father is spending more and more time locked in his own lab, he realizes it’s time to put his brain toward putting a stop to the curse that haunts the halls of Hellman High.
Carter Reeves
Above all else, Carter Reeves is a sportsman. He trains morning, noon and night. He is a born athlete. Weather it be sports or in life, he always goes for the gold. Second place is never enough for him. He is humble at heart, and takes losing with a grain of salt, but never allows himself room for failure. His dream is to play ball for the NBA. He hates drugs, gangs, and anything in life that glorifies the two after losing his older brother to gang related violence. His father Jevoone is head coach of the Hellman High football team, and an active member of the community. He’s always dreamed of his son becoming a football player, but, after losing his first son, no matter what road in life Carter decided to choose was fine by him. Kids nicknamed him “Swoosh”, because of his ability to sink three-pointers from almost anywhere on the court, and his uncanny knack for making free throws under intense pressure. Aside from athletics, Carter is a straight A student and an even bigger ladies man and sneaker head.
With all the frightening activity going on at school, its Carters determination and will to win that keeps him on and his toes, ready to lead him and his teammates to battle whatever evils may present themselves at Hellman High.