Since OffKey’s launch, Kelsey Smith aka Amidstsilence has been on our radar as one of the art world’s modern sensations. We’re honored to discuss with her some of the inspirations, aspirations, and motivations behind her work. All images you see here are courtesy of Kelsey Smith aka Amidstsilence Twitter & Instagram. Additionally, prints of her work can be found on Society 6 & Neontalk
Amidstsilence: Kelsey Smith Interview
Kelsey, thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Your art really struck an emotional chord with me, so much so it inspired this short story UFO Catcher. I’ve been dying to find out more about you and your creative process. But before we do, lets start with the hard hitting questions first:

What’s your favorite cartoon show?
I have so many shows/movies that have truly inspired me. Studio Ghibli films are for sure some of my favorites. Howl’s Moving Castle and Whisper of the Heart are my top picks. Other animes that have inspired me are Cowboy Bebop, Mob Psycho 100, Boku Dake ga Inai Machi (ERASED) and Neon Genesis Evangelion. American cartoons like Bee and Puppycat, Over the Garden Wall, and Adventure Time are also super enjoyable!
What’s your favorite comic book?
One of my current favorite series is Snotgirl by Leslie Hung and Bryan Lee O’Malley. I love the art style and story! Another comic or manga I really loved was Tokyo Ghoul:re. The author, Ishida Sui, really created some amazing illustrations. I love his style of drawing and the incorporation of symbolism in his works.
Dope. Those questions are important for me to ask, because as a creative myself, I find that my favorite movies and shows growing up tend to influence my creative process.
Do you find this to be true in your art?
Absolutely! I seek inspiration in so many films and shows and also aspire to be apart of creating something like that in the future. I often listen to soundtracks to movies when I create art because they’re so compelling and beautifully made.
Although the aesthetic of your art catches my eye, I tend to be more curious about the world you’re creating. This universe in which your subjects live. Is it earth as we all know it? Is it a different dimension? What are things like there?

I tend to think of it as a slightly more mysterious and softer earth in a way. I like to capture a moment of serenity or stillness in a scene. One that you might typically find in a secluded space or time of the day, almost as if the earth is sleeping. Overall it’s the same, but there’s less to be worried over.
Tell us about the subject’s you draw, the characters that live in this world. Do they have names?
Most of the characters remain nameless, but they still have their own personalities and quirks when I create them. The only exception is the purple haired girl, whose name is Violet. She has a story revolving around her. In general, the characters typically match the surroundings or atmosphere of the drawing. I try to create their own character with their clothes, hair, and belongings.

Tell us about the girls you draw. From what I can gather, they tend to be very introverted.
Would you say you’re introverted as well?
Yes, I do like time to myself. I love being with my friends, but I also like taking breaks and being laid back in my own environment. There’s a sense of comfort when you’re by yourself at 2 or 3 in the morning. It gives you a lot of time to think and reflect.
All these girls you draw have such interesting rooms.
What is your room like?
There’s certain repetitive elements that I draw from my own surroundings like space posters, cats, and of course plants. My room is not nearly as pristine as the ones I draw unfortunately.

“Of course, plants”
Plants tend to be a huge focal point in your art. Tell us about the significance of plants in your life and how they translate into your work.
I personally just love the concept of having plants in indoor settings. It adds a nice atmosphere and creates some variation from the standard room. I think the addition of plants makes settings more atmospheric and whimsical. I have a few right now, but hope to grow my collection when I have my own place!

Tell us about the boy’s you draw. What are they like?
I’ve been thinking I should draw more boy characters since I mostly just draw girls! Like the girl characters, I think the few boys I’ve drawn are also comfortable with a sense of isolation. I think they’re quiet but also have something that they’re very passionate about, and makes them content.
I agree. Perusing ones’ passion in life allows for a strong sense of contention.

Speaking of boys, do you have a boyfriend?
No, I figured I would wait it out until college!
Do you have any crushes? Celebrity or Otherwise?
Nope. I Don’t really have one! I’m not one to really keep with celebrity news or follow their social media.
Speaking of social media…We discovered you on Instagram, which you now have over 100K followers on.
You still being in high school, how does social media affect your personal life?
Well I’ve had an art presence on Instagram since middle school. I never really liked the idea of posting about myself or having a personal account. There just wasn’t enough going on in my life. My first account was called Kelseydraws (it’s still exists so I can can look back on my old work). I was really into Disney at the time and thought that’s all my art would ever be, but then I realized I was really just duplicating someone else’s work. I tried to focus on creating original stuff, but it never got that many likes. That led to me losing confidence in my art, and eventually I stopped posting after a while, since the account was rather dead. Just over a year I’ve had the Amidstsilence account and I never expected to gain so much from it. So yes, art and social media play a big role in opportunities presented to me. Having a lot of people that support what I do really gives me so much encouragement!
That’s fantastic!

Who would you say are your biggest supporters on this journey?
You guys at OffKey Magazine have always provided so much support! Additionally, Neontalk has really helped my grow my art. My friends and my followers are what truly inspire me to keep creating. Reading all the comments on my work always makes me happy to be an artist!
Tell us about the high school you attend. Is it an art school? What’s it like?
Nope. It’s a pretty standard public school. I graduated in May, so now I’ll be pursuing an education at SCAD- an art college.
Does you having such a big fan base affect your social life at school?
No. I really don’t have a big social circle. Just my close friends who are so supportive and kind when it comes to sharing my art. Some people mention it to me every now and again. But I really don’t follow or keep up with people from my school unless I’m friends with them.
Reposting seems to be a big problem on social media these days. How does reposting affect your art and others out there? What would you want people out there to know about reposting?
It’s honestly the worst. I never had issues with art reposts until I started the Amidstsilence account. I feel VERY strongly against the acceptance of art theft and that people treat it so lightly because even the smallest misattribution can lead to so many lost opportunities and exposure for the artist. People should know that behind every piece of art is hours of work and dedication. For that work to be used in such selfish ways is just unacceptable and illegal according to the DMCA.
Ultimately, where do you see your art career going in the next 5 years? What avenue would be most fulfilling?
It’s hard to say, since I have yet to experiment and try out different things like animating or sequential art. In college, I’ll figure out exactly what I’d like to pursue. Right now it’s just illustration. My goal at the moment would be to work for a studio as a visual developer, background artist, or concept artist.

Do you believe in aliens?
Yes I certainly believe life exists on other planets. But I’d like to say I’m more practical when it comes to examining claims and evidence of aliens visiting earth or abductions. I want to believe but I have yet to personally experience or see something that really compels me to.
Although there are some cases that cause me to question what I think I know.
Do you think we will discover life on other planets in your lifetime?
I hope so : )
Are there any conspiracies that you believe to be personally true?
I think the government definitely keeps things from the public to avoid mass panic. And there are some incidents that have uncompelling explanations provided by the government and mysteries behind them like the Phoenix Lights and the Roswell crash in 1947.
How big a role does outer-space play in your artwork? Will we see more characters in space in the future?
I love outer space! The vastness and extensiveness of it really just blows my mind. One of my favorite movies is Interstellar (which also has one of my favorite soundtracks) because of the incomprehensible visuals of planets and space. Since it is something that inspires me so much, and it’s also aesthetically pleasing, I always throw in a couple of hints of space in my art. Also Violet, the purple haired girl, always has ufo and space themed stuff in her room. She’s a paranormal investigator and has a love for the same kind of stuff I do! (So it’s certainly likely I’ll continue to incorporate space into my art!)
What are your thoughts on time travel?
I don’t know enough about physics and science to really formulate an educated opinion, but I think it could be possible given the right conditions and technology.
Speaking of Time, that’s all the time we have for this interview. We thank you again for taking the time to speak with us, and we’re excited to follow along this journey with you. Please come back and do a Podcast with us!
Thanks for the questions! They were certainly interesting to answer. I appreciate your continued support of my art and your patience as I answered these!

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I love this interview, + the creative questions asked! Kels is one of my favourites + it has been an honour to watch her grow + develop. I appreciate this piece you guys did!