Spooky season is officially upon us ladies and gentleman. How do we know this? Because American Horror Story is back for its NINTH season. Yes. Nine. I was eleven watching gory murder and dreaming of Dylan McDermott’s sexy dad bod.

But that’s an article for another day. I’m here to talk about last nights episode and the JINGLE it produced (if you know you know).
You know I wasn’t quite sure of the theme of the season this year. If you’re a die-hard American Horror Story fan like I am, you have the same feeling I do that each season seems to be getting less and less intriguing, and it feels like they are just running out of good ideas for themes. Although 1984 does not quite make sense to me in terms of theme, I have to admit that the first episode has already got me hooked. My roommate and I decided to watch it live as it premiered and it had us gasping and groaning. Groaning you ask? I guess this is a perfect time to talk about the sex appeal of the show. Cody Fern has had my heart since last season when he had a devilish (literally) and dark persona that made sick, twisted souls like mines panties drop.
And now he’s wearing a crop top and quite frankly I’m here for it. While we’re on the topic of fashion, can we just talk about the this 80s fashion? I think I speak for all teen girls when I say, WE NEED TO BRING BACK CROP TOPS AND BOOTY SHORTS ON BOYS! We’re sick of baggy shorts and graphic tees! We need to see the whole package before we purchase, men!

But I rest my case. I guess if we’re going to talk about this season I should probably mention the actual HORROR of the story! Without any spoilers I’ll just say this: BLOOD, BLOOD, AND MORE BLOOD.

I personally cannot wait for this journey of a season! If it’s anything like the past seasons, well then all I have left to say is: Buckle up.
Watch the trailer here!